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The Pillars of Wisdom

Writer's picture: Hebrew Nation BuildingHebrew Nation Building

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

Proverbs 9:1 says, " Wisdom hath built her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars" The Hebrew word for "built" in this verse is the Hebrew word BANAH.

Banah is Strong's Concordance number 1129. It means to build, rebuild, establish, cause to continue.

It comes from the 2 letter root beyt/nun meaning to build, tent panel; intelligence.

The Beyt is the tent floor plan which sets the order of the tent before the tent or house is built. The floor plan tells you how long and wide the wall panels should be and how many panels are needed. The tent floorplan is like a blueprint. It gives you the layout and order of the tent.

Every house or tent should begin with a plan. Nobody starts building a house without considering the size of the family and how many rooms are needed. If you don't consider the needs of the family you will likely build something that is not adequate.

BANAH means the wisdom to build, to build with understanding. BANAH is assessing the family and its needs, creating a blueprint that will meet those needs, and building a structure that will endure as long as the family has those needs. This could also mean foreseeing growth in the future and preparing to add a room when necessary.

BANAH is written with the Hebrew Letters Beyt/Nun/Hey.

The Ancient Hebrew Analysis: The family continues by revelation.

"Through wisdom is a house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches." Proverbs 24:3 - 4

The beginning of Proverbs 24:3 could be written, "through wisdom is a house continued by revelation."

Wisdom is what builds a house that will remain. Wisdom gives the house continuance and stability from generation to generation. This wisdom is from above and is not earthly but comes from Yahuah through Yahusha our Adoni and Mashiyach.

Prayer Point: Wisdom has built her house. Ask Yahusha, if I can abide there? Am I submitted to Yahuah as the Father of the house? Will He allow me to find refuge with Him? Am I in covenant with Him?

Reflection: When looking at my house; was it built on wisdom because it is showing the fruit of continuance? Or was it built on temporal things which are showing evidence of passing away?

When reflecting on the questions above, consider the following areas:

  • Emotional House

  • Ruachual (Spiritual) House

  • House of Desires

  • Relationship House

The latter part of Proverbs 9:1 says, "...she has hewn out its seven pillars.

The word seven is the Hebrew word shebah. It is Strong's Concordance number H7651 meaning to seven. It comes from the root word shabah which is is Strong's Concordance number H7650 meaning properly to be complete, to seven oneself, as if by repeating a declaration seven times, to make an oath.

Wisdom has hewn or dug out her seven pillars. This indicates that wisdom is sturdy, complete, and lacks nothing. She has made an oath and declaration. Her house shall endure. He house shall remain.

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